"You only live once; but if you do it right, once is enough."
According to Living Your Life Without Limits This is very true in so many ways. You do, indeed only get to live once. This thought freaks out most people. A lot of people worry that they will never find their true happiness in life, or that they will never accomplish all they seek to accomplish.
But life is not a matter of accomplishing everything, rather, it is a matter of living each day in a special way. Life truly is just a series of moments. Put a bunch of moments together and you have a day. At the heart of all this, though, is that most basic unit: the moment.
You only live once, so your life is special. It is unique and precious. Once it is done, it is done. Furthermore, once each moment is done, it is done. You cannot get back your life, and you cannot get back your moments so you might as well make them count.
By living each moment of life to its fullest potential you are doing all you can to show your gratitude to be alive. You are showing that you believe that life is important, and you value your time here on Earth.
Without Life, you have nothing. Of course, you may have religious beliefs that state that there is more once life is over, but that is not the point of the article. The point is, that all you have right now is your life. Life is made up of moments of time. Therefore, the most important possession you have is time.
Most of us waste a great deal of time in idleness. This means we are wasting precious units of life. It is one thing to waste a few bucks on a guilty pleasure; it is another thing entirely to waste time on nothingness.

You were put on this Earth to live and live your life, and that is true no matter what your religious beliefs are. You were not born to merely exist. You are not here to waste away the precious gift of life. You are here to use each unit of life you can to create something special.
Create something more valuable than was here previously. Add value to your life and the lives of those around you. Increase the value of the world to make it a better place for everyone to live. By doing this, you are creating more life. You are creating something very special.
You are treating life with respect. And for this, you will surely be rewarded. I don't know what your ultimate reward will be, but I do know that you will be rewarded in life with great happiness and satisfaction.
Spend each day by living each moment of life you have been given and for this here is “Shannon Jackson” the founder of “Living Your Life without Limits”. Make each day value, and show your respect for life. Be grateful that you are here and have the opportunity to do great things. You may only live once, so do it right!